Leverage Accurate Data_LB

Track workforce data efficiently

Maximize Team Performance_Y

Create meaningful engagement opportunities

Save Time_G

Save time and money

Is your employee data current and accurate?

Many healthcare leaders struggle to gain access to up-to-date workforce information for their clinicians. Given the multi-generational workforce, there is a growing need to find creative strategies to retain and engage your staff in a cost-efficient manner. Having current and accurate data is critical when looking to make these informed decisions.
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Data trends at your fingertips.

Clinical Dashboard is populated with data from HealthStream’s ePortfolio and helps nurse leaders and educators keep track of up-to-date education, certifications, licensure status, and professional information that would normally be outdated or difficult to obtain.

Clinical Dashboard Woman on a Tablet


Clinical Dashboard Product

Dashboard features:

  • Home page: Overview of the Clinical Dashboard, which includes visualizations for Education, Work Experience, Certification,and Licensure
  • Summary view: Provides additional information for each specific section
  • Details view: Drill down even further for specific user details

Track the following:

  • Bachelor’s degree distribution and trends
  • Anticipated graduation year
  • Degree level distribution
  • No degree but certifications
  • Work experience
  • Specialty certifications, distribution, and trends (Bachelor’s or higher)
  • Most utilized certifications
  • Licensures and expiration dates
  • Most utilized licenses

Recommended for:

  • Nurse educators
  • Nurse managers
  • Nurse leaders



Achieve Bachelor of Science in Nursing or higher within the nursing workforce


Workforce data elements


Combinations in our proprietary taxonomy

As a healthcare leader, are you…

  • Tired of struggling to quickly locate information about clinical staff?
  • Looking to gain more visibility into the diversity of your workforce?
  • Trying to develop and remediate clinical staff with more actionable insights?
  • Searching for ways to better allocate your budget within your workforce development?

Request a Demo

Contact us today to find out how Clinical Dashboard can help you maintain and easily access the current and accurate professional data of your workforce.

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